There are so many different types of birth control available that it can be difficult to choose one. However, if you are not ready to have children, birth control is essential. Furthermore, some types of birth control can provide health benefits in addition to preventing unwanted pregnancy. In deciding which method of contraception is best for your lifestyle and future, you should consider several factors.


You want an effective birth control method, especially if getting pregnant is out of the question right now. Among the most effective methods of preventing pregnancy is tubal ligation (or vasectomy for men), but these are only options if you are certain you do not want children in the future.

Implantable methods, such as intrauterine devices (IUDs) placed in your uterus and hormonal implants placed in your arm, such as long-acting contraception, Mirena insertion, retrieval, and Implanon rod insertion and retrieval, are 99 percent effective and reversible. Hormonal treatments, such as the patch, injections, and pill, are 91% effective. Condoms and diaphragms are both inferior barrier methods. Spermicides and natural birth control methods like fertility awareness charting are the least effective.


The method of birth control you choose should be based on how convenient it is for you. Can you remember to take a pill daily? How about a method that does not require much effort on your part?

In other words, an IUD is implanted in the uterus, and depending on the type, prevent pregnancy immediately and for 3-10 years. You don’t have to do anything to keep them running. Remember that many birth control methods are only as effective as your ability to use them correctly. Choose one that will assist you in succeeding.

Diseases transmitted through sexual contact

In the case of multiple partners, or if your partner has more than one partner, you must protect yourself from STDs and pregnancy. Condoms, available for male, are the only form of birth control that provides some protection against STDs. However, condoms are not always effective at preventing pregnancy. Use a condom in conjunction with a more reliable method of birth control, such as an IUD, for the best protection.

Getting rid of medical conditions

In cases of irregular bleeding caused by endometriosis, uterine fibroids, or severe PMS, hormonal contraception may be helpful. They can help with heavy bleeding and cramping during your period. Consult with Dr. Morris to see if the pill or an IUD can help with your symptoms.

Adverse effects

Certain methods of birth control can cause unwanted side effects in some women. Some women’s birth control methods that contain synthetic estrogen can cause migraines. Smoking women or women with clotting disorders or breast cancer should not use estrogen-containing birth control. If estrogen is not an option for you, methods that use only progestin or do not use hormones at all are preferable.

Your moral beliefs are also important factors to consider when deciding on birth control. Take into account your partner’s beliefs, comfort, and pleasure as well.

What exactly is reversible long-acting contraception?

The term contraception refers to a method of preventing pregnancy. Perhaps you’ve never heard of long-acting reversible contraception. You’ve probably heard of the “pill,” which is a tablet that you take at the same time every day to prevent pregnancy.

The primary goal of long-acting reversible contraception is to prevent pregnancy for a longer period; it is more of a “set and forget” model. They are among the most effective forms of contraception.

Women today have many options for birth control, including various types of long-acting reversible contraceptives.

With so many options, it’s easy to become confused about which method of contraception is best. And, as with many things in health care, the answer is that it depends on individual needs and preferences.

Any woman who wants to avoid pregnancy, whether she has children or not, is a candidate for long-acting contraception, including intrauterine devices, Mirena insertion and retrieval, and Implanon rod insertion and retrieval.

There are now two types of long-acting reversible contraception available.

  • An implant “rod” is inserted into your upper arm and has a three-year lifespan.
  • Intrauterine devices (IUDs), also called “coils” IUDs, can be hormonal or non-hormonal.

The IUD is placed in your uterus (womb) and can last up to ten years, depending on the type of device.

A new device, the smallest IUD, was recently added to the PBS (government-subsidized). It is most appropriate for people who have never had a pregnancy before, and it can last for up to 5 years.

These methods of contraception are all reversible and over 99 percent effective.

  • Implanon rod insertion or retrieval
  • Mirena Intrauterine insertion or retrieval

Long-acting reversible contraception, such as the Mirena, can reduce or eliminate periods. This can be life-changing for many women who suffer from painful and heavy periods.

Many people believe that not having a regular period is “unnatural.” Hormonal contraception can prevent ovulation and thin the uterine lining, so there may be no need for anything to shed or bleed. This is why, when using these methods of contraception, some women do not get a period every month.

They do not interfere with fertility once removed, and you should be able to fall pregnant when you are ready.

Why should long-acting contraception be preferred over condoms or birth control pills?

Long-acting contraception users are more likely to stick with their contraceptive method than birth control pill users, resulting in fewer unintended pregnancies and abortions. Long-acting contraception methods have proven to be more effective than other types of birth control, owing to the ease with which “perfect usage” can be achieved with little to no user action after insertion.

Some benefits of long-acting birth control include:

Patients are not required to do anything, such as remember to take their medication daily.

The majority of people prefer long-acting contraception to other types of birth control – 86 percent of patients who used long-acting contraception were still using it a year later.

In general, an IUD has no long-term effect on bleeding, but it can cause abnormal short-term bleeding and cramping when it is first inserted. The hormone-containing IUDs have the added benefit of being able to reduce or stop the menstrual cycle. They are frequently used to treat menstrual cramps.

Increased user satisfaction and fewer follow-up visits with your doctor.

There is no need to interrupt a sexual activity to put on a condom or insert a diaphragm or sponge.

The primary benefit of long-acting reversible contraceptives is that they are extremely effective at preventing pregnancy. They also become more cost-effective as they are used for a longer period.

It is easily reversible, allowing the patient to return to fertility as soon as possible.


Moreton Bay Women’s Health can assist you in making an informed decision about birth control. Once you’ve decided on a method, we can assist you with prescriptions and, if necessary, insertion. There are numerous types of contraception available, and it is up to you to specify your preference. Please let us know which is most appropriate for you.
